2 Peter 1:19-21

2 Peter 1:19-21 (KJV) We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

Listen to an Audio Introduction - Welcome to Revival Prophecy
Watch a Video Introduction - Welcome to Revival Prophecy (in preparation)

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

British Israel - The Basics

What is British Israel and why is it important?

This article covers the basics of what is often termed the "British Israel message" and explains its application to the plan and purpose of God. We examine the basis of the British Israel thesis and highlight reasons for its importance within the context of the prophetic development of the Word of God, especially in the light of world affairs in this modern day.

What is it?

The terms ‘British Israel’, ‘Anglo-Israel’, ‘National Message’, ‘Covenant Message’, ‘Israel Identity’, ‘National Promises’ etc. refer to the belief that the national people known as Israel, as nominated by God in the Old Testament are to be found principally in this modern, New Covenant era amongst the peoples of Great Britain and the Commonwealth nations, the United States of America and certain portions of Western European peoples.

The correct identification of the people identified in the Bible as latter-day Israel, and to differentiate between such people and those of the people of Judah, commonly known today as the Jews, is absolutely vital to the correct interpretation and understanding of Bible Prophecy as it relates to national developments in this modern era. 

The knowledge of the true identity of national Israel in the latter days ulocks the door to undertsanding the world situation today; why certain nations have reached a position of greatness and whycertain nations remain in conflict to this day. This brings the prophetic statements of the Bible made many centuries ago to life today.

What it is NOT… 

Right from the outset the following must be emphasized…  
  • The identification of the latter-day Israel peoples is NOT a message of racial supremacy;
  • It is NOT a cause for national pride;
  • It is NOT essential to receiving the benefits of personal salvation.       
There are a number of movements and organisations in operation today that hold what could be described as fanatical and extreme national identity beliefs. This article and this web site is NOT PART of any such movements or organisations. The New Testament clearly teaches that the Church (i.e. the Body of Christ) is a worldwide fellowship comprising people from many nations across the globe (sse Acts 10:34-35), which enjoy true fellowship with God and one another on an equable basis, regardless of national, social or educational background. 

Jesus Christ stated…
Matt 8:11 And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.
See also Luke 13:29-30.

The Church of the Bible is described as “ALL ONE IN CHRIST” (Galatian 3:27-29).

The aim of this article is not to promote some kind of national or racial superiority, but rather to reveal the truth of God’s national promises that have been wonderfully fulfilled down through the centuries, despite the general unbelief of men, and in the face of continued opposition to God’s plan.
So, having set the record straight, let’s make a start on this Bible study.

Two Main Bible Themes

The Bible covers many themes. Two principal themes that run throughout the majority of the Bible are based on two different aspects of the manifold promises of God.
Firstly, there is the promise of eternal salvation, which is a conditional covenant, based on our acceptance of, and obedience to the commands of Jesus Christ. This centres on the individual, and rests on the individual’s response. Jesus Christ is the author of salvation to all that obey Him (Heb 5:xx).

Secondly, there is a set of promises associated with the national people of Israel, many of which are entirely unconditional. The Bible details certain promises concerning the eventual development and destiny of the seed of national Jacob-Israel.It must be recognised that ALL OF GOD’S PROMISES are important, for if one fails, they all fail.  ALL of God’s promises are IMMUTABLE – the integrity of God’s Word is at stake. Whereas man can renege on his word, and experience shows that he often does, God simply cannot deny His own Word and retain His integrity as the Almighty and unchanging God. The underlying importance of the need to recognise the fulfilment of God’s promises cannot be over-stated. It is in this context that the national promises hold an important place in the overall belief in the absolute integrity and over-ruling providence of God; regardless of the state of mankind generally, and despite the opposition of satanic and ungodly influences.

God not only deals with individual persons; He also deals with nations. Read Isaiah 2:4; Micah 4:1-3; Matt 25:31-32 - All nations will be judged.

A Brief List of Promises to Israel

  • Israel to become a Nation and Company of Nations
  • Israel to Spread Abroad to the West, East, North and South
  • Israel to possess the gates of their enemies
  • Israel to become a great multitude of people
  • Israel to bear the name ‘Great’
  • Israel was to have an enduring monarchy, with a descendant of King David on the throne
  • Israel to act as the Battle-axe of the Lord
  • Israel to be (in general) blind to their real identity
  • Israel to be a great blessing to other nations
  • Israel to be the foremost propagators of the Bible message

The people generally known to the world as the nation-state of Israel (since 1948), located in the Middle East, has not fulfilled any of these promises.

Prominent Jewish Teachers recognized and continue to recognize this identity


All Israel was ruled by 3 Kings – Saul, David & Solomon. This covered a period of about 120 years; betwee1095-975 BC.  After this period the Kingdom became divided into 2 houses: The Northern Kingdom of Israel (capital Samaria; initially ruled by Jereboam), and the Southern Kingdom of Judah (capital Jerusalem; initially ruled by Reheboam). Northern Israel comprised 10 tribes and Southern Judah 2 tribes (Judah & Benjamin, with some Levites).
From the time of THE DIVIDED KINGDOM, the respective histories of the two houses took very different courses. We note that, statistically, the Northern House of Israel comprised 10/12 or 5/6 or >83% of the tribes originally known as Israel; Whereas the Southern House of Judah only constituted 2/12 or 1/6 or less than 17% of original united Israel. History and the Bible records that between 741-720 BC, the Northern House of Israel was defeated by the Assyrians and deported en-masse to Hazor, and the cities of the Medes. Both secular history and the Bible provide absolutely no record of Israel ever returning to their homeland. In fact, the notable Jewish historian Josephus wrote that they had become an immense multitude beyond the river Euphrates in his day (37-100 AD). However, the Southern House of Judah, who had been deported to Babylon, and from then became known as Jehudin (or Jews), returned to Jerusalem and Judah under the leadership of Ezra, Nehemiah and Zerubbabel.  These numbered only about 50,000 and by the time they returned to Jerusalem, much of Judah had been re-populated by non-Israelites.
So, what happened to the 83% of the original tribes of Israel? Did they vanish off the face of the earth? We know that they did NOT return to either Northern Israel or Southern Judah. The Jews today recognise that their small estimated worldwide population of about 15 million are in fact not all true Jews. It is estimated that only about 5% of Jews today van trace their original lineage back to Judah, Benjamin and Levi. The rest are descended from converted proselytes. The problem of the existence and whereabouts of the majority of original Israel is known as the problem of the ‘LOST 10 TRIBES’. Prominent Jewish scholars have identified the lost tribes with the peoples of Europe, tracing the movement of the Israel people westward across the continent from their last known location in the Caucasus area. The Assyrians called deported Israel ‘Gomri’, ‘Khymri’ or ‘Gimera’, from the term Bit-(Kh)Omri (i.e. literally the House of Omri – an Israelite King during the time of the Assyrian invasions).  The Persians knew the same people as Sakae, i.e. the descendents of Isaac. It is known that these people were the progenitors of the Saxons, from the identity as ‘Isaac’s Sons’. In the process of time, these people, along with other related peoples moved across Western Europe and eventually invaded the British (Pretannic) Isles. The term ‘Britain’ literally means ‘COVENANT LAND’ in Hebrew. That the British Isles lie to the North-West of the Promised Land is very significant, for the Bible identifies a people that would come from the North and the West. 
Prophecies that point to latter day Israel:
To be sifted through he nations
To be blind servants. We need to look for a nation that has served God’s purpose, yet remained ostensibly blind to their real identity. Great Britain and the United States certainly qualify in this category. Through 2 world wars they have defended the democratic rights of nations, freeing the people from the yoke of oppressors. They are at the forefront of the preaching of the Gospel. Only Britain, America and Western European countries have sent preachers to the four corners of the globe. The same people have been the foremost promoters of translating and printing the Bible in over 1000 languages for worldwide distribution. Countless genuine Holy Ghost revivals have taken place in the latter days, originating from preaching by British, American and European preachers.

The Symbols of Israel

Heraldic symbols that pervade the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the United States find their origins in Israel. The British Coat of Arms comprises an heraldic shield with quarters containing the Harp of David, The rampant Lion of Judah, the lions couchant. This is surrounded by a buckler with the inscription “Honi Soi Qui Mal Y Pense” – “Evil to him who evil thinks (of it)”. The lower inscription reads “Dieu et Mon Droit” – “God and my Right”. These have direct relevance to the Bible promises given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who was later renamed Israel. God promised to bless those who blessed the seed of Abraham, and to curse those who cursed his seed. Above the shield and buckler is the Royal Crown, surmounted by a small crowned lion – a representation of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah – the Davidic Throne and Covenant. On either side of the shield and buckler are the Rampant Lion and the Unicorn. The Lion is the symbol of Judah and the Unicorn is the symbol of Ephraim, the leading tribe of the Northern House of Israel.
The flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain (& Northern Ireland) is called the Union Jack – literally the Union of Jacob (the unregenerate name of Israel). The flag consists of 3 crosses. The St. Andrew’s Cross or Saltire represents the Abrahamic Covenant. The St. Partrick’s Cross is actually a disjointed diagonal cross, which represents the Mosaic Law, which was broken by Israel. Thirdly, the Cross of St. George represents the New Covenant. This latter cross surmounts the other two, superseding the Law of Moses and fulfilling the Abrahamic Covenant.
The flag of the United States of America, also known as the “Stars & Stripes” is dominated by the number 13. 

  • 13 Stars
  • 13 Stripes
  • 13 Olive Berries
  • 13 Olive Leaves
  • 13 Arrows
  • 13 Tail Feathers
  • 13 Constellations
  • 13 Courses of Masonry on the Pyramid
  • 13 Letters in the motto “E Plurubus Unum”

America is associated with the 13th tribe, Manasseh. The Bible records that Joseph, who was to continue the birthright promises originally given to Jacob-Israel, had twin sons –Manasseh and Ephraim. When Israel came to bless the boys he put Ephraim (the younger) before Manasseh (the elder). Manasseh was to become a great nation (fulfilled in the USA) and Ephraim was to become a nation and company of nations (Great Britain).
The British Monarch Queen Victoria was asked by an African prince at the height of the British Empire, what the secret of Britain’s success was. In reply Victoria handed him a Bible. Both Britain and America have been and remain at the forefront of Bible preaching across the globe, setting up Bible societies dedicated to the publishing of the Bible in more than 1000 languages. Britain and America are also at the forefront of supplying foreign aid, charitable work and relief during disasters across the globe.

The Church is NOT Israel

The Apostle Paul clearly understood and taught that Israel is NOT the Church. His prayer was that Israel might be saved – the Church is the saved. He also mentioned that blindness had happened in part, until the fullness of the Gentiles takes place. The fullness of the Gentiles likely refers to the end of the Gospel age, which will be marked by the return of Christ to set up His millennial Kingdom and the full restoration of Israel. The conclusion of the 7 times punishment of Judah in 1917 was a preliminary fulfilment of the end of the fulness of the Gentiles, with the termination of 2520 year Gentile domination over Jerusalem.

Does it really Matter?

We might ask, “Does it really matter whether Britain and USA are Israel?” We might say, ”After all, salvation is the most important thing. I don’t need to know, or even care about this identification. I’m just interested in personal salvation”.
It is a reasonable question to ask about the importance of this identity, and it is true to say that knowledge of the Israel identify makes absolutely no difference to the salvation of an individual; but there are other factors worthy of our consideration.
Ultimately the truth (or an element of the truth), whether we believe it or not, or whether we like it or not; agree with it or not, remains the truth.
The fulfilment of ALL of God’s promises is important.

The Jews are NOT the sole representatives of Israel

The vast majority of professing Christians today believe that the people known as the Jews are the sole representatives of God’s national people. If that is so, then the integrity of God’s Word is called into serious question. Consider the following...

  • Are the Jews a multitudinous people? No. (Worldwide estimate is 15.2 million in a population of 7 billion – Hardly a great multitude! ~ 0.2% of the world’s population)
  • Have the Jews become a blessing to every nation? Hardly!
  • Are the Jews the chiefest amongst the nations? No.
  • Do the Jews have a descendant of King David ruling over them? No.
  • Have the Jews possessed and do they currently possess the desolate places as an inheritance? No.
  • Have the Jews developed into a nation and company of nations? No.
  • Are the Jews blind to their identity? No!
  • Are the Jews renowned for the preaching of the Gospel? No – they have rejected Christ.
  • Do the Jews foster Holy Ghost Revival? No – they do not!

One of the most famous Jewish scholars of the middle ages was RABBI MOSES BEN MAIMON, usually called MAIMONIDES; a philosopher, astronomer, and physician, who lived from 1135 to 1204 A.D. So famous and respected was he among the Jewish people for his learning, that they called him, "The Second Moses."
He stated, "I believe the ten tribes to be in various parts of West Europe."

In the early 19th century, MOSES EDREHI; a distinguished rabbi, scholar, teacher, was a firm believer in the existence of the "Lost Ten Tribes" in the lands of the West.

In 1993, Hebrew scholar YAIR DAVIDY published in Jerusalem his book, "The Tribes," which was the result of years of study on the question of the lost tribes of Israel. On page 387 he states,

"Descendants from the Tribes of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) seem to have been especially concentrated in the nations who settled the British Isles and, through them, amongst all English speaking peoples of British origin. These peoples have played a unique role in history over and beyond that of the other Israelite nations as a whole. This historical record was appropriate to the character of their forefather, JOSEPH. "

'THE JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA,' published in several editions beginning in the 1890's by Funk &Wagnalls, Inc. Under the subject, "TRIBES, LOST TEN," we read the following in Vol. 12, p. 250…
"The identification of the Sacae, or Scythians, with the Ten Tribes because they appear in history at the same time, and very nearly in the same place, as the Israelites removed by Shalmanesar, is one of the chief supports of the theory which identifies the English people, and indeed the whole Teutonic race, with the Ten Tribes." 

In continuing to discuss this question, it goes on to state," the Sacae, or Scythians, who, again, were the Lost Ten Tribes." (ibid.)

The Arbroath Declaration

God has NOT abandoned Israel.  

The Throne of David

God set up the throne of David and declared His promise of an everlasting covenant. This covenant was and is unconditional. This throne must be in existence on earth when Christ returns. The Jews have no King and have no throne since the Babylonian captivity. The Bible says that David will never want (or lack) a man (person) to sit on (occupy) that throne.
Genesis 49 The shepherd stone of Israel. The stone of destiny. Known to the Irish as ‘Lia Fail’ the fatal stone. It is reputed to have been brought to Ireland from Israel via Egypt and Spain. From there it was brought to Iona, off the coast of Scotland, after which all Scottish Kings were crowned sitting on the stone. In 1296 Edward I had the stone taken to England and placed in a coronation chair in Westminster Abbey. In 1996 the stone was returned to Scotland, where it now resides in Edinburgh Castle, alongside the honours of Scotland. It has been returned on the understanding that, in the event of a coronation of a British Monarch, it will be returned to Westminster for the coronation ceremony. 
The symbol of this monarchy will remain until Christ returns and takes up His rightful position as the true King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Early References to British-Israel Knowledge

In "Le Triomphe de la Providence et de la Religion" by the learned scholar, Dr. Abbadie, and published in Amsterdam in 1723, is expressed the view that the Northern European tribes, from which the English derive, are the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel.
In 1671 a pamphlet issued in Nether Dutch stated that the English-speaking people were Israel.
In the time of Cromwell (c. 1647) a political reform movement, called the Levellers, sought reforms which threatened the dictator's power. Both Everard and Winstanley, prominent Levellers, are mentioned in connection with the belief in the Israelitish origin of the Saxon and kindred peoples. Everard stated that "all the liberties of the people were lost by the coming of William the Conqueror and that ever since, the people of God had lived under tyranny and oppression worse than that of our forefathers under the Egyptians."
King James VI of Scotland became James I of England, and claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of Ezekiel 37:22, "I will make of them one nation."
In 1590 Leloyer, a French Magistrate, issued a volume entitled "The Lost Ten Tribes Found" stating that they formed the then English peoples. ("Petite Parisien" June 24th, 1913)
Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel."
Vincenzio Galilei, father of the famous astronomer, in writing about the origin of the harp in Ireland mentions in 1581 the native Irish tradition that they had descended from the Royal Prophet David.
The 33rd Law of King Alfred the Great in the ninth century reads, "Vex thou not comers from afar and strangers, for remember, ye were once strangers in Egypt."
Dr. Moses Margouliouth, a Jewish scholar of the 19th Century, in his History of the Jews said, "It may not be out of place to state that the Isles afar off mentioned in the 31st chapter of Jeremiah were supposed by the ancients to be Britannia, Scotia and Hibernia."

An interesting modern reference is to be found in the declaration of principles given in the United Israel Bulletin, a non-Christian, Jewish publication of April 1951 -- "We believe that the Ten Tribes of Israel exist within the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic-Scandinavian-American people and that they in fact constitute them and that they are Hebrews in the same sense that Judah, Benjamin and Levi with the Jewish people are Israelites."

In Conclusion
There exists a wealth of Bible and secular historical evidence that demonstrates that Great Britain and the United States indeed fulfil every mark of latter-day Israel as described in the Bible. It is therefore with great confidence, yet tempered with humility, I commend to you that the one and only true and Almighty God has upheld His awesome promises to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-Israel in these latter-day Israel peoples. Furthermore I believe that God has a great plan and destiny for these very nations, and this will find ultimate fulfilment in the return of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the rightful King of the Davidic line and possessor of heaven and earth.  

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