As an example, God introduced a 40 DAY period of trial, testing and probabtion as a preliminary to prescribing the actual 40 YEAR sojourn of the children of Israel in the wilderness (Numbers 14:32-34).A PROPHETIC TIME
The Bible uses the term 'TIME' as a prescribed measure allocated by God. a TIME is the eqiuvalent to a complete CYCLE or ROUND of events and equates to 360 DAYS. In geometry a full cycle of events is described by 360 DEGREES. Similarly, God originally allocated 12 MONTHS of 30 DAYS or 360 DAYS as a YEAR for Israel.
God prescribed a period of 7 TIMES as a punishment upon Israel and Judah for continual disobedience and apostacy. Taking a TIME as 360 DAYS (as previously discussed), then translating DAYS into YEARS (as per the DAY-FOR-A-YEAR principle) gives a period of 360 x 7 = 2520 ACTUAL YEARS.As far as God's dealings with JUDAH are concerned, a period of 7 TIMES punishment commenced in 604 BC, with the first Babylonian incursion resulting in the first section of Judahites being taken captive to Babylon. 7 TIMES or 2520 years from that date of 604 BC brings us to the year 1917 AD.
(note that 1 yeara must be added as we go from BC to AD). In 1917 Jerusalem was liberated out of Turkish (Gentile) hands by British and Commonwealth forces under General Edmund Allenby. This consistituted a wonderful fulfimne tof Bible Prophecy. A further 50 years (a JUBILEE in the reckoning of the Hebrew calendar) brings us to 1967 and the amazing victory of JUDAH (the land of the Jews - i.e. the stet of Israel) in the Six-Day War, when they defeated the Arab nations despite overwhelming adds against them.
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